I am huge believer in continuous self-improvement, and believe building healthy habits is an essential ingredient to that recipe. Therefore when I saw Sean Massey's post on accepting a challenge to write 30 blog posts in 30 days for National Blog Writing Month, I was intrigued. Not because I am a great blog writer - I assure you I am not. Not because I am a regular blog writer - one only needs to subscribe to my RSS feed to realize I am not. Rather, I thought the challenge presented an opportunity to help build a healthy habit of good writing - and was a creative way for me to stay accountable in building that habit.
In my new role at DataGravity, I have found that communication is a huge part of my success. Being able to clearly articulate a concept and technology is more of an art then science, but it requires much practice. This challenge gives me the opportunity to practice and refine my written communication. Therefore over the next 30 days I will be writing on a number of things, but most of my posts will be product focused. This is not because I am trying to sell out my personal blog or push a particular company agenda. I simply see this an opportunity to improve my writing skills and at the same time share with others some great things about the DataGravity product. My posts here are of course my personal opinion. It is after all my personal blog, and these posts in no way reflect the position of my employer. I do also contribute to our corporate blog, and have a lot of fun doing that. I plan on having several posts that are not at all product related, but I did want to be up front on my motivation for accepting this challenge and what the majority of my content will be focused on in the upcoming days.
Thanks to Sean Massey (@seanpmassey), Greg Ferro (@etherealmind) & the Virtual Design Master crew (#VDM30in30) for a great idea. I am getting off to a late start, as most are already on Day 3 of the challenge, but I am a believer that there is no time like the present to get started. So this is my Day 1 of the 30 in 30 challenge.
Looking forward to the next 30 days of healthy habit building and sharing.